Summer weather in Flachau, Wagrain und St. Johann

Summer weather at Snow Space Salzburg

Do you want to know how the weather looks in Snow Space Salzburg right now and in the next few days? Then take a quick look at the current weather in Salzburg. Weather reports and forecasts for your time in Flachau, Wagrain and St. Johann-Alpendorf.

today - Sat 27/07/2024

min 16°
max 29°
hours of sunshine 9h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 50%


Sun 28/07/2024

min 17°
max 25°
hours of sunshine 3h
precipitation probability:
morning 40%
evening 80%

Mon 29/07/2024

min 15°
max 26°
hours of sunshine 10h
precipitation probability:
morning 20%
evening 10%

Tue 30/07/2024

min 14°
max 29°
hours of sunshine 11h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 20%

today - Sat 27/07/2024

min 16°
max 29°
hours of sunshine 9h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 50%


Sun 28/07/2024

min 17°
max 26°
hours of sunshine 3h
precipitation probability:
morning 40%
evening 80%

Mon 29/07/2024

min 16°
max 26°
hours of sunshine 10h
precipitation probability:
morning 20%
evening 10%

Tue 30/07/2024

min 15°
max 29°
hours of sunshine 11h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 20%

today - Sat 27/07/2024

min 16°
max 29°
hours of sunshine 9h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 50%


Sun 28/07/2024

min 17°
max 25°
hours of sunshine 3h
precipitation probability:
morning 40%
evening 80%

Mon 29/07/2024

min 15°
max 26°
hours of sunshine 10h
precipitation probability:
morning 20%
evening 10%

Tue 30/07/2024

min 14°
max 29°
hours of sunshine 11h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 20%

today - Sat 27/07/2024

min 17°
max 30°
hours of sunshine 9h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 50%


Sun 28/07/2024

min 18°
max 26°
hours of sunshine 3h
precipitation probability:
morning 40%
evening 80%

Mon 29/07/2024

min 16°
max 27°
hours of sunshine 10h
precipitation probability:
morning 20%
evening 10%

Tue 30/07/2024

min 15°
max 30°
hours of sunshine 11h
precipitation probability:
morning 0%
evening 20%
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    Our mountain webcams show you the live weather contitions in Flachau, Wagrain & St. Johann.