Bergstation St. Johann / Alpendorf | Snow Space Salzburg Bergstation St. Johann / Alpendorf | Snow Space Salzburg

Livecams from St. Johann and Alpendorf

Webcams in St. Johann-Alpendorf

Stay up to date with the current weather in St. Johann - Alpendorf! It's easy thanks to the webcams!

Live images from the Gernkogel

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Discover more webcams in Snow Space Salzburg

  • Spaziergang mit dem Kinderwagen in Snow Space Salzburg

    Operating hours in summer

    Everything you need to know about mountain lift operation in summertime at a glance.
  • Family is transported up the mountain in the gondola at Snow Space Salzburg

    Summer lifts

    All open summer mountain railways in Flachau, Wagrain and St. Johann-Alpendorf at a glance.
  • Rast auf der Alm - Wanderpaar | Snow Space Salzburg
    Snow Space Salzburg

    Huts & Mountain restaurants

    All huts & mountain restaurants at Snow Space Salzburg in summer.